Keeping Active

Keeping physically active is an important part of helping you stay healthy. There are lots of ways to keep active – from gardening and walking to exercise classes and dancing!
Physical activity has many benefits:
- It reduces your blood sugar levels and improves your HbA1C
- It reduces your risk of heart disease
- It improves blood pressure
- Together with diet, it can help manage your weight
The positive…health benefit that you get from exercise is enormous. Not only that it improves your heart. It improves your blood sugar, it improves your mood, it makes us sleep better, it reduces anxiety. So the benefit is innumerable”
I remembered once hearing someone say that physical activity is like all purpose seasoning…it affects every part of our body from our mind to our physical body…keeping our blood glucose levels down, giving us strength”
Community Facilitator
I feel good. I feel much lighter. Yeah, more motivated. And the changes I can see from my physical exercise is where I've lost some weight. And I feel good about that”
You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.
To help you get started, try out some of the exercise videos below. These workout videos have been designed to suit a range of abilities from beginner to more advanced. If you are unsure about what level is right for you, please consult with your doctor or medical team.