This page is intended for academics, researchers and healthcare professionals who would like more information about the research that has been done (who did it and how to contact), who funded it and what the outputs were.
For professionals, its purpose is to provide an overview of the research that has been conducted in the development and evaluation of HEAL-D. If you would like more information about our research, please feel free to contact us.
If you are a person living with type 2 diabetes and are interested in taking part in our research, you can find out more about our research and how to take part or contact us for details of how to get involved.

What is co-design? Experience-based, or participatory co-design, is being used increasingly in health research. It refers to the process where […]
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HEAL-D Trial: evaluation of clinical and cost effectiveness
In the summer of 2023, we will commence a multicentre, randomised controlled trial of HEAL-D. Research question: In adults of […]
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Feasibility trial
Following the co-design of HEAL-D, a mixed methods feasibility trial was conducted to evaluate intervention acceptability, fidelity and trial feasibility. […]
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NHS Insights Prioritisation Programme (NIPP) project
The pandemic emphasised the importance of effective T2D management and the need for accessible, culturally sensitive diabetes education to be […]
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